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12 WEEk MelFit Bootcamp©


This plan is perfect for anyone who has gone through my 8 Week “Just Start” program.

Anyone who has the basic building blocks of Fitness and Nutrition will be successful on my plan.

My workouts can be done by anyone at any fitness level.  If you can follow a plan you can achieve great success! This is everything my clients have been asking me to give them for years. The support is so HUGE on this plan! I will not let anyone fail. I’m here from start to finish! It took me Month’s to create this plan and I am so excited to be able to offer it to clients around the World.   My clients are losing 2-4  pounds  a week.  You can successfully lose 25 pounds or more by the end of the 12 weeks.  You will learn so much about yourself and your body when you finish.   All of your fitness “myth” questions will be answered.  You will “truly” know what works and what doesn’t work for “your” body by the end of the 12 Weeks.  Even though you are joining many others on this journey, my personalized Coaching is what makes this an “individualized”  plan that you will be using  for the rest of your life.  Stop searching!  Stop chasing!  This is it!  This plan will be yours to keep as long as you are a Melfit Subscriber.  

I created Melfit as a lifestyle APP.  I want to be your one stop  shop for all of your health and fitness needs.  I want to be your Life Coach!



What you can expect from my program:

*Several weekly check ins from Coach Mel

*Accountability on completing workouts 

*Accountability on completing weigh ins/measurements

*12 weeks of customized meal plans via instructional video/pdf  format taught by Coach Mel (Food Prep Coach/Chef)

*Learn how to food prep once a week for 2 hours or less (6 days meals, desserts, and snacks)

*Weekly detailed shopping lists (advice on best places to shop/prices)

*List of kitchen utensils needed

*List of commonly used products

*Links to all my favorite products

*Access to my Private Facebook Group/Weekly Lives

*Easy recipes that require 15-25 minutes 

*Learn how to cook with me  if you are new to the kitchen 

*Learn to read labels

*Learn the proper daily caloric intake for your body

*No food logging (except free day)

*No counting calories (except free day)

*No driving to a Gym/Nutrition Coach (workout at home with a mat, a set of dumbbells, and a positive attitude)

*No cooking every night (leaves time for family and Melfit 25 minute workouts)

*Enjoy alcohol once a week

*Enjoy eating out/ free day once a week (eat whatever you want)

*Custom Melfit 25 minute  workouts available on APP (include cardio, core, and strength)

*Develop life skills and learn how to follow a plan successfully 

*No deprivation (Approx. 1500 calories a day)

*Dessert everyday

*Custom meal plans designed by a Nutritionist

*Recipes change each week (great flavor and variety)

*Custom Recipes created by a Nutritionist/Chef


Commonly asked questions:
Question:  Do I need culinary skills to start food prepping?

Answer: No, I teach you step by step how to cook each easy to follow recipe.

Question:  Can anyone do your workouts?

Answer: Yes, I give modifications for all levels.

Question:  Is it expensive to food prep?  

Answer:  No, once you get the basic pantry items stocked up its super cost effective.  Most meals cost $2.50-$3.50 per meal.  Clients are finding that they spend/waste less with this method.

Question: Do I have to shop Organic for this plan?

Answer: No, only if you can afford it



Thank you for joining Team Melfit!   Allow me to take you on the journey of a lifetime!


Coach Mel


Personal Trainer


Food Prep Coach 

Food Shopping Expert

Life Coach

Marathon Coach 

“After having my second baby I had 20 stubborn pounds to lose and I knew I needed some help. I’m so glad I found the MelFit 12 week bootcamp. It is exactly what this busy Momma needed. Coach Mel makes it sooo easy! She did all the work and all I had to do was follow the steps laid out for me.  She even helped modify the program to my specific needs (nursing Mom). In the 12 weeks I lost 21 lbs and over 13 inches. Not only did my body transform but I gained new found energy, clearer skin, and  foundational principles for leading a healthful life. This program has not only impacted my life but the life of my entire family! If this busy working Mom and wife can do it, you can too! You won’t regret it! Thanks Coach Mel for a great fool proof program!”

— Kristi Flicker

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