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MelFit 3 Day Detox©

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Transformations and request a discount code for 10% off any of our Nutritional  Plans.  If you need a little more information, please set up a complimentary 15 minute consultation with me and we can discuss your health and fitness needs and goals. I have a plan for anyone at any health and fitness level.  Thank you for taking this journey with me!  This 3 days will give you a glimpse into what Melfit is all about.  You won’t be starving I promise!  Although the calories on this detox are a little lower than my other plans, just keep in mind this is a SHORT term plan.   This is not a cabbage diet, juice cleanse, military diet, or any other fad diet that you may have tried over the years.  I think you are going to enjoy my detox.    You WILL be eating Whole Foods and AGAIN, this is NOT a juice cleanse!  I can’t give away all of my secrets, so with that being said…………..… will just have to see what I have in store for you!  There is minimal prep time for the Melfit 3 Day Detox and you can literally start just a couple of days after purchasing.  Try doing this with a friend for support!  Tag someone that you think may benefit from the MelFit 3 Day Detox in the comments or forward this information to a like minded person.  If you need a gift card for someone,  this makes the perfect gift at ONLY $29.99!  I am sure you have spent more money than that on things that haven’t worked.  How do I join? 

  1. Download the MelFit APP.

  2. Purchase the MelFit 3 Day Detox in our APP store.

  3. We will unlock your detox after we see that you have signed up for the Melfit APP and purchased  the Melfit 3 Day Detox.  After that you are free to start any day you choose.  You will be provided with a shopping list of all the items needed and all recipes will be printable and instructional videos are also available.  Even the most beginner cook can prepare my easy recipes on the Melfit APP.  

  4. My team and I will be standing by and ready to answer any questions you may have and support you in any way we can.  


Thank you for choosing MelFit for all your health and fitness needs.  Please e-mail me at to be added to our private Facebook Group, Melfit Connect.


Cheers to your health!  I look forward to connecting, inspiring, and motivating you!  Be strong!  Have heart!

Coach Mel


I did the 3 day detox right after Christmas.. I felt like crap my face was broke out and just needed to do something to reset and prepare going into the 6wk shred.
I loved all the food, even my husband was raving about it and my 9yr old daughter split my morning smoothie with me (she loves mel’s smoothies).
Personally it was the perfect amount of food. I did want a snack but out of habit not hunger.
I lost exactly 1lb each day probably could have been more if I did a workout during the 3 days and I felt so much better and my acne started clearing up.

— Jean

Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai entrepris un nouveau changement de mode de vie sain, et ce fut la meilleure décision que j'aie jamais prise ! J'ai rejoint Melfitcoaching et j'ai mon propre coach personnel. Je n'arrive pas à croire que je puisse manger des choses comme ça tous les matins au petit-déjeuner. Le bol de protéines de banane au chocolat Melfit est littéralement la meilleure chose que j'aie jamais eue! Et TELLEMENT bon pour toi. Merci Mel pour tout ton travail acharné, ton dévouement et l'inspiration que tu me donnes, ainsi qu'aux autres, tous les jours. Merci d'être le meilleur entraîneur de tous les temps! ❤️💪👊

..... pour tous ceux d'entre vous qui sont intéressés à perdre quelques kilos non désirés ou qui veulent simplement se sentir mieux. Melfitcoaching ne coûte que 30 $ et cela vous donne tous accès à Mel en tant que coach, ses recettes, ses exercices d'abdominaux et bien plus encore !! De plus, elle vous guidera à travers un programme de 8 ou 12 semaines ou même un programme personnalisé qui vous convient ! Pour 30 $ par mois, vous vous moquez de moi ? ! Quelle est la valeur de votre condition physique et de votre santé mentale? Je n'ai jamais pensé que je pourrais faire un plan de remise en forme ou un "régime" et m'y tenir, mais c'est tellement plus facile que je n'en ai jamais connu. Enfin, je suis enthousiasmé par ce changement de mode de vie et je suis convaincu que je réussirai !

Kristi F 

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