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MelFit 365

"The only reason to look back is to learn."



Have you ever put a short time limit on some of your largest goals?


How did that make you feel, and how did that go?


Did you achieve your goal?


Most people will answer similarly. We all want things "yesterday." After coaching for over 20 years, I find this quality to be our biggest vice. I really love working with clients who are willing to jump in and enjoy the ride! Trust the process and know that "messy" makes you millions! Whether you are still working AND in the" grind," or retired and want some supplemental income….I can help. If wealth is not your main focus, then how about focusing on your health and personal development for 356 days? What would that look like for you? Is this something you have ever done or thought about doing? 


  • If you haven't achieved "optimal" health yet, it's very difficult to get everything else you want. Is this a challenging task? Yes, but it's not impossible with the right mindset and coach. 73% of our nation is obese/morbidly obese. That means if you have achieved optimal health, you are in the 27 percentile of people who have accomplished this. Think about this..if you can accomplish this..what else is possible?  

Have you ever heard the old adage, "Start before you are ready?" Does this fit you? Or are you an "everything has to be perfect to start person?" Again, "messy" has made me who I am today! I have many examples and stories to share with you on this journey. 


I have always worn many hats in my life, but this year, I really want to step into the space of "long-term" coaching and public speaking. What this requires from you is a 1-year commitment. I know that anyone who works on themself for one year can achieve anything that they desire. Remove the "end date" or the "timeline," and you have crossed the finish line before you even start.


Embark on a year-long journey with me as we explore everything from health, wealth, fitness, love, fulfillment, and mindset.


8.8% of U.S. adults are millionaires, and 18% of U.S. households are millionaires. 

I wrote this plan to offer "all" of my amazing gut, detox, and nutritional plans to you, as "well" as add in a life coaching/wealth component.


What is money to us? What does it matter? Why do we want it? What does it do for us?


I want to help people establish a stellar relationship with money. How do you make it? How do you receive it? How do you ask for it? Will it stop?  

These are questions you may have or want to ponder. I will address all areas of finances and wealth throughout the year. The true "nugget" to money is how you get it and how you receive it. If you can do these two things I teach about, you will have no problem asking for it.


I want to work with entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who really want to make a "365-degree" change this year. The most important thing during this year-long process is getting your mind, body, and spirit in alignment and achieving optimal health FIRST!! With these things, "everything" will come.  


"Courage comes before confidence."  

This is a great quote and rings true for so many people. I know it's scary to jump and take risks, but what is even scarier is to die with the regret that you didn't live up to your fullest potential. We will all be remembered "not" for what we achieved but for how we made people feel. I am in the business of people. I will teach you the ins and outs of people and how to handle "all" situations in business and personal. I will teach you to put off an "aura" that doesn't stink of money and sales but of kindness, compassion, and the willingness to see and help others. With this, we will "receive" everything we need and want.


Whatever it is that you are struggling with, I will be here to help you. I will help you recognize your strengths "and" weaknesses, and we will thrive on learning new habits and skills.


What my plan includes:

MelFit 3-Day Detox

MelFit Gut Flush Plan

MelFit 8 Week Just Start Plan

MelFit 2 Week Mini Meal Prep

MelFit 12-Week Bootcamp

MelFit 12 Week Bootcamp Phase 2

MelFit 6-Week Shred

MelFit Platinum Maintenance Plan (1 year)

MelFit Wealth Coaching (1 year)

One weekly FaceTime/Zoom call

Yearly Retreat (ask for locations/dates)



I finally decided to do some serious personal development in 2023. The program I did costs the same as my Melfit 365 Plan. I remember when I heard the price. I was about to die! I had NEVER spent that much money on anything to improve "me." Initially, I thought I was embarking on a wealth mastermind and I quickly realized that there was something "blocking" any growth from happening…….It was "me!"


I had been running from my past and chasing money my whole life, and I had never stopped for 2 seconds to think about who I was and where I was going. I was on a quick road to self-destruction, filling every ounce of my day with work. If I weren't married, I would never stop working. I decided to "commit" to this year-long course. I am writing a book so you can get the "full" details of my story if you are interested, or maybe it will be published by the time you are reading this. I decided if I was going to spend this much money, I was going to be as honest, vulnerable, and transparent as possible. During the first couple of meetings, I couldn't talk without crying. I felt like a complete "hot mess," which, for an outsider looking in, doesn't fit my "physical" appearance. I accomplished more in the first six weeks of this course than I had in my whole life. I was healing and working with intent and a "new" mission. EVERYTHING changed for me! I made the money I spent on the year-long course back in one month. I was making connections with people who fit my client's "avatar" and didn't hesitate to spend money with me on their health and fitness. I was being "seen" for the first time in my life by a group of total strangers.

I received more empathy and compassion from this group of "unknowing" strangers than I ever had. THIS GROUP CHANGED MY LIFE AND SAVED MY LIFE! If you are "stuck" on the money…… don't be. YOU CAN'T PUT A PRICE ON YOU! I am diving in head first on asking for help now. It is so "freeing" after 49 years of doing "everything" myself. If you want to go fast, go alone…if you want to go far…go with others. I looked back on my yearly spending, and hands down; this one-year course was the best money I spent. It WAS driving the needle of my life forward…..something many Amazon boxes can't do. 


I am a multi-millionaire who was homeless at age 14. I now live in a 4-million-dollar home. I am not "bragging"; I am showing people what is possible. There is a difference between "cocky" and "confident." After doing the "deep" work on myself, I am more confident than I have ever been about the direction I am going. You can't hurt me! No one can! I no longer hold back from "anything" because of what someone might think of me. It's MY life now, and I will do the driving, and "I" can do the shots! I can help anyone who believes in themselves become a millionaire. Take the risk! What if it does work? What if it does change your life? Will you be ok with regret? I always say to people, if you want to learn something, work with someone who has already done it. 1% of the population will ever run a marathon. 2% will ever achieve visible abs, and 7.29% of the U.S. population will ever become millionaires. I've done all these things. This is just a testament to who your coach is. If you want to progress in anything, stop asking people or the opinions of people who have never achieved what you want for themselves! I am so passionate about helping people gain the confidence to do ANYTHING they set their mind to.


I am so excited to help you discover your best self! I say this to myself all the time……" NEVER GIVE UP!!" Don't sell yourself short. Don't have to limit beliefs! Take chances and know that tomorrow is never promised. We have to FULLY embrace life NOW and live it to its fullest. STOP WAITING! I am now creating a life by design, not designing my life around my job. I want it all! I want to do all the things! I want to have all the things! I want YOU to go with me! Let's create a happy, healthy, and balanced life.



Where will you be a year from now if you don't invest in the best version of yourself?


Thank you for reading thus far, and please message me if you have any questions or concerns. Click the link here and schedule a free consultation call. 

Cheers to your health! May we all walk into life with smiles plastered all over our faces this year! Why? Because WE have figured out the path to freedom!

Health, wellness, and happiness IS the gateway drug.


Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai entrepris un nouveau changement de mode de vie sain, et ce fut la meilleure décision que j'aie jamais prise ! J'ai rejoint Melfitcoaching et j'ai mon propre coach personnel. Je n'arrive pas à croire que je puisse manger des choses comme ça tous les matins au petit-déjeuner. Le bol de protéines de banane au chocolat Melfit est littéralement la meilleure chose que j'aie jamais eue! Et TELLEMENT bon pour toi. Merci Mel pour tout ton travail acharné, ton dévouement et l'inspiration que tu me donnes, ainsi qu'aux autres, tous les jours. Merci d'être le meilleur entraîneur de tous les temps! ❤️💪👊

..... pour tous ceux d'entre vous qui sont intéressés à perdre quelques kilos non désirés ou qui veulent simplement se sentir mieux. Melfitcoaching ne coûte que 30 $ et cela vous donne tous accès à Mel en tant que coach, ses recettes, ses exercices d'abdominaux et bien plus encore !! De plus, elle vous guidera à travers un programme de 8 ou 12 semaines ou même un programme personnalisé qui vous convient ! Pour 30 $ par mois, vous vous moquez de moi ? ! Quelle est la valeur de votre condition physique et de votre santé mentale? Je n'ai jamais pensé que je pourrais faire un plan de remise en forme ou un "régime" et m'y tenir, mais c'est tellement plus facile que je n'en ai jamais connu. Enfin, je suis enthousiasmé par ce changement de mode de vie et je suis convaincu que je réussirai !

Kristi F 

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