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The MelFit Monthly Maintenance Gold Plan

The MelFit Monthly Maintenance Plan is designed to provide ongoing support and guidance to individuals who have achieved their weight loss goals or are nearing them. It addresses the common issue of weight regain by offering continuous coaching and resources to help clients maintain their progress and make a long-lasting commitment to their health. Here's a breakdown of the plan:


The plan was created to address the lack of support often experienced after completing a weight loss program or challenge. It aims to prevent weight regain by providing clients with ongoing assistance and coaching, recognizing that maintaining a healthy weight requires continuous effort and commitment.

What's Included:

  •         Customized Weekly Menus: Clients have access to customized weekly meal plans that include calorie and macro calculations for both weight loss and maintenance. There are plans to make these menus more accessible by adding a button on the app along with shopping lists by the end of 2024.

  •         Weekly Goal Setting: Clients set weekly goals for various aspects of their health and fitness, including nutrition, exercise, and self-care. Recognizing the importance of self-care in overall health, the plan emphasizes its practice.

  •         Weekly Check-Ins: Clients receive weekly check-ins from Coach Mel through Zoom, FaceTime, or phone calls, based on their preferences. These check-ins provide an opportunity to review progress, discuss challenges, and receive guidance.

Coaching Levels:

The plan offers different coaching levels to cater to individual needs and preferences:

  • Silver: This level includes one 15-minute coaching call per month with Coach Mel.

  • Gold: Clients at this level receive one 15-minute coaching call twice a month with Coach Mel.

  • Platinum: The Platinum level provides clients with one 15-minute coaching call every week with Coach Mel.


  • Even if clients are unavailable for their weekly call, they will still receive text check-ins from Coach Mel.

  • Scheduling calls and checking in weekly can be done through the Melfit App.

The plan emphasizes that investing in one's health is the best investment and aims to provide ongoing support to clients to help them maintain their weight loss achievements and lead healthier lives in the long run.

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Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai entrepris un nouveau changement de mode de vie sain, et ce fut la meilleure décision que j'aie jamais prise ! J'ai rejoint Melfitcoaching et j'ai mon propre coach personnel. Je n'arrive pas à croire que je puisse manger des choses comme ça tous les matins au petit-déjeuner. Le bol de protéines de banane au chocolat Melfit est littéralement la meilleure chose que j'aie jamais eue! Et TELLEMENT bon pour toi. Merci Mel pour tout ton travail acharné, ton dévouement et l'inspiration que tu me donnes, ainsi qu'aux autres, tous les jours. Merci d'être le meilleur entraîneur de tous les temps! ❤️💪👊

..... pour tous ceux d'entre vous qui sont intéressés à perdre quelques kilos non désirés ou qui veulent simplement se sentir mieux. Melfitcoaching ne coûte que 30 $ et cela vous donne tous accès à Mel en tant que coach, ses recettes, ses exercices d'abdominaux et bien plus encore !! De plus, elle vous guidera à travers un programme de 8 ou 12 semaines ou même un programme personnalisé qui vous convient ! Pour 30 $ par mois, vous vous moquez de moi ? ! Quelle est la valeur de votre condition physique et de votre santé mentale? Je n'ai jamais pensé que je pourrais faire un plan de remise en forme ou un "régime" et m'y tenir, mais c'est tellement plus facile que je n'en ai jamais connu. Enfin, je suis enthousiasmé par ce changement de mode de vie et je suis convaincu que je réussirai !

Kristi F 

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